Case Study: Nurturing Collaboration with Makkah Hotels & Towers (Makkah, Oct 2023)


In our ongoing partnership journey with Makkah Hotels & Towers, we’re thrilled about an exciting development—an upcoming extensive project that signifies our growth together. What began with business card production has evolved into a deeper collaboration, aiming to cater to their expanding needs.


Previous Collaboration Highlights:

  • Consistent Business Card Production: Our partnership has revolved around producing professional business cards, aligning with Makkah Hotels & Towers’ brand.


Future Project Overview:

  • Anticipating a Broader Scope: We’re eagerly preparing for a more significant endeavour, gearing up to offer an expanded range of services to meet Makkah Hotels & Towers’ evolving demands.


Strategies and Anticipated Achievements:

  • Growing Together: Scaling our services means going beyond, crafting diverse, high-quality collateral to address Makkah Hotels & Towers’ extensive needs.
  • Strengthening Bonds: This expansion isn’t just about services; it’s a testament to our growing partnership, aligning our efforts to exceed their expectations.


Key Insights and Implications:

  • Embracing Growth: The excitement of this collaboration expansion reflects our shared journey, evolving together to cater to Makkah Hotels & Towers’ dynamic requirements.


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709 Honey Creek Dr. New York, NY 10028

Tel: +971554715539